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Elder Abuse Prevention & Education

Programs in this area are provided under the guidelines of Title VIIB of the Older Americans Act and are designed to develop, strengthen, and carry out the prevention and treatment of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.

The PSA 2 Area Agency on Aging is also mandated by the Older American’s Act of 1965 to provide Educational Material and Guidance for the prevention, detection, assessment, treatment, intervention, investigation, and response to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including financial exploitation) to the public and professionals.


Physical Abuse

Emotional Abuse

  • Verbal – Intimidated, Ridiculed, Threatened

  • Non-Verbal – Isolated, Menaced, Ignored

Sexual Abuse

Neglect or Abandonment

Financial Exploitation

  • Bank Accounts Misused

  • Funds Stolen

  • Signature Forged

  • Identity Stolen

Healthcare/Medicare Fraud

  • Over Medicated

  • Double Billed

  • Wrongfully Billed

  • Inappropriately Referred

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If you feel you or someone you know is the victim of Elder Abuse,

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© 2023 PSA 2 Area Agency on Aging

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