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Established in 1980, Planning and Service Area 2 Area Agency on Aging (PSA 2 AAA) is a Joint Powers Agency providing aging and adult services in Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties.  Funded through the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965, and administered by the Administration on Community Living and the California Department of Aging, the PSA 2 AAA's primary goal is to advocate for and offer services to the older adult and disabled population in the five county region.


The Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Older Californians Act (OCA) states that the Area Agency shall be the leader relative to all aging issues. This involves a wide range of functions related to advocacy, planning, coordination, inter-agency linkages, information sharing, brokering, monitoring and evaluation - all which are designed to lead to the development or enhancement of comprehensive and coordinated community-based systems of care.

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Mission Statement

To provide effective community leadership that assures the provision of services for the benefit of older adults and adults with functional impairments which promote the ability to remain at home with maximum dignity, choice, and independence.


(As required by the California Department of Aging)

To provide leadership in addressing issues that relate to older Californians; to develop community-based systems of care that provide services which support independence within California's interdependent society, and which protect the quality of life of older persons and persons with functional impairments; and to promote citizen involvement in the planning and delivery of services.

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